
With one last desire to swim and snorkle, Ron

Bimini is the last set of islands before crossing the Strait of Florida, which I understand from others can be nasty at times due to the Gulf Stream. We had a picture perfect crossing and arrived at Port Everglades at about 5:oo p.m., though I am sure Ron would of liked more wind. Our destination, Hollywood Loggershead Marina is just a short jaunt up the intercoastal waterway with only 3 bridges to cross under. The intercoastal waterway is an amazing system with an untold number of bridges and million dollar homes.
It is with mixed emotions our journey has come to an end. What a wonderful time we have had with our daughters and friends and what an amazing journey. We will miss the beautiful warm waters, sandy beaches, exotic ports and the many new friends that we have made, but we are all looking forward to returning to our own corner of paradise and to see our family and friends.