
We have had a lot of fun on Bequia. Lots to see and do, great beaches and wonderful hiking. The people here have been friendly and helpful, a pleasure to get to know. While here, we enjoyed a tour of the Old Hegg Turtle Sanctuary; where they catch the young turtles as they hatch from the eggs. These hatchlings are caught right off of the beach in front of the sanctuary and interestingly enough they release the turtles in various locations around the Grenadines, but the turtles still return to the same beach to lay their eggs. This photo is a baby green turtle.
Ron and I also took an amazing tour of a complex called “Moon Hole”. This is a strat

Our stay here was extended slightly by Ron’s discovery of a worn out fresh water engine cooling pump. Luckily we were able to have one sent over from St. Vincent on the ferry and Ron successfully installed it last night. While in the process of repositioning to try to receive wireless internet on the boat we had the port engine over temperature alarm go off. The problem turned out to be the salt water cooling system which had ingested the impeller tips. I can’t imagine being on a boat without someone who can fix things.
It’s been fun in Bequia and the girls would like to stay, but it is time to move on. The girls have made quite a few friends; Bubba, Bushman, Rummage, Dumpling and many more. I am not sure where the Bequian girls are, but we have certainly seen a lot of the Bequian boys. Tomorrow morning early we are heading over to St. Vincent to check on one of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” sets and then off to St. Lucia
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