Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Luperon, Dominican Republic

Leaving the harbour at Ocean World was very fun for all of the girls. Mya and Autumn were quickly introduced to one of the girls favourite activities, bow riding. Bow riding is where we sit on the cross beam between both hulls while the boat rides up and down as we head into the waves. This only lasted until we turned to head up to Luperon and then it wasn´t long before our newcomers were feeling the effects of being at sea.

We arrived at Luperon after a great sail with winds averaging about 25 knots. Luperon has a history of being a tricky entrance with at least once per week someone going onto a reef. We managed to go through without any incidents. The anchorage is a murky mangrove inlet, well known for being a good spot to hide out during hurricanes. There are many cruisers that make it this far and never seem to leave.

The town of Luperon is small and definitely not a tourist destination. The residents are very friendly and the prices are the best we have experienced so far. Our first excursion from here was a waterfall tour with Jose. This is was quite the amazing place. There is a series of waterfalls, 27 in total, that you hike past or through with assistance by the guides up to the top one and return down river either jumping or sliding. We were all equipped with helmuts and life jackets and were told to wear shorts and shoes. The girls were definitely up to the challenge, but for me I was pushing my comfort envelope. We were not able to take a digital camera with us, so I appologize for the lack of pictures.

We have also introduced the girls to snorkling, though the visiblity was not as great as we have experienced. Mya and Autumn started off a little awkwardly but were quick to hone their skills.

Mya and Autumn have gone and interviewed a number of residents in Luperon and are building an inventory of shots for their video. They are both very outgoing young ladies and it will be very interesting to see the results.

Next stop Santo Domingo, the oldest city in the new world.


At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hey Hey!!! aww.....me (brittany) and bre miss u soooooooo much jenessa.....but PLEASE take some more pics of just you or something....lol....I need some or actually WE need some...but yeah....55 MORE DAYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CANT WAIT..........!!!!!
ps....we'll be waiting for you with two foot long subs!!!yum yum:)..it'll be ur lewer home
luv ya hella(L)<3 buh bye


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